Wednesday, June 25, 2014

infused oil used in Hydriads Salves

Healing Salve, Poison Ivy salve and Lemon balm salve       

It's that time of the year when the bugs, bees, and weeds are going to get you. Fight nature's ailments with nature's remedies.  Homegrown plants and herbs are infused into organic Olive oil, using the heat method, essential oil are added for their Antiviral and Antibacterial properties.  Packaged in a 1 oz twist top tin.

*Healing Salve: so many uses for this salve to list them all, has been proven to help cuts, scrapes, sprains, rashes, bug bites and bee stings
ingredients: comfrey, arnica, calendula, plantain, st. john's wort, tea tree & Lavender essential oils, organic olive oil, vitamin E oil and beeswax

*Poison Ivy salve: Jewelweed has long been used as a remedy for skin disorders by indigenous North Americans. It apparently contains chemicals that neutralize the components responsible for the skin-irritating effects of poison oak, poison ivy and other irritants including stinging nettle, insect bites and ringworm. Apply before going into wooded or other areas where poison ivy could be, to act as a protective barrier
ingredients: jewelweed, comfrey and Tea tree essential oil in an organic olive oil base, vitamin E oil & beeswax

*Lemon Balm salve: Lemon balm has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties. It is especially useful for treating cold sores. The oil also aids with insect bites and soothes wounds. The aromatic fragrance makes it useful as an insect repellent. The emollient properties of the oil tone and beautify the skin, and increasing the production of skin cells.
ingredients: Lemon Balm and Calendula, organic olive oil, vitamin E oil, Lemon Essential oil & beeswax

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